All boys. All boarding. Grades 9-12.

Endowed Giving

Endowed Giving

Devoted and generous alumni, parents, and friends have established endowed funds which provide permanent income to Woodberry. These donors sustain the pursuit of excellence through gifts that literally give forever. Under prudent management, these resources support immediate priorities and long term goals.

The June 30, 2024 number for endowment and other managed funds is $448 million. June 30, 2023 was $432 million, for comparison.


Help to Ensure that the School You Love will have the Resources Necessary to Sustain it into the Future

As an endowment donor, you will enter into a distinctive relationship with Woodberry because:
You will provide a permanent place at Woodberry for your extended family to channel their resources to the boys boarding school. This is especially meaningful for alumni and friends whose relatives have deep ties to the school.
Your name or the name of a loved one or favorite faculty member will be remembered at Woodberry for countless generations.

The principal of your endowed fund will remain invested and untouched in perpetuity, securing the growth of the fund and permanent support for the program at Woodberry that’s close to your heart.

Personalized, annual endowed fund reports will give you the satisfaction of knowing how your funds impact the school. Endowment donors often have contact with the beneficiaries of their gifts, thus enjoying a unique, lifelong connection with campus life.

List of 1 items.

  • Endowed Awards

    Class of 2006 Residential Life Award
    Established in 2006 by the Class of 2006 to recognize a member of the school community who contributes greatly to residential life.

    Distinguished Adviser Award for Outstanding Service
    Established in 2011 by Virginia and Robert Spratley, grandparents of Lemuel L. Doss IV '11, to recognize a faculty member for exceptional service as an adviser to students.

    Sam Alexander Dougherty '42 Memorial Golf Prize  
    Established in 1948 by Penelope and Francis M. Dougherty 1909 and William H. Dougherty ’41 in memory of their son and brother, killed in action during World War II, to recognize the player with the lowest scoring average in varsity matches.

    General Awards Fund  
    A common fund comprising gifts in support of academic, athletic, and graduation awards.

    Frank Hawkins Kenan '31 Medal
    Established in 1994 by Betty Kenan, in honor of her husband, to recognize a sixth former who exhibits leadership and outstanding achievement in academics, athletics, and fine arts.

    William R. Kenan Jr. Science Award 
    Established in 2012 by the William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust, in recognition of Mr. Kenan’s distinguished career as a research chemist, to recognize the top science scholar in the fifth form.  

    Most Valuable Player Award
    Established in 1969 by Anonymous ’38 to support MVP awards in wrestling, lacrosse, indoor track and field, and basketball.

    George R. O'Connor '70 Award for Excellence 
    Established in 1980 by The Brown Foundation, Highland Resources, and Maconda and Ralph S. O’Connor in honor of their son, to recognize a faculty member who demonstrates unusual teaching excellence in the classroom, dormitory, or on the playing field.

    Vivian Slaughter 1897 Award
    Established in 1993 in memory of Vivian Slaughter, Class of 1897, killed during World War I, to recognize a sixth former who has excelled in scholarship and distinguished himself by intellectual or creative achievement in some voluntary activity.

    Robert F. Vasquez Spanish Award
    Established in 2011 by an anonymous donor in honor of Robert F. Vasquez, a member of the faculty from 1961 to 1999. 

    Frank S. Walker 1903 Award
    Established in 1974 by an anonymous alumnus in memory of Frank S. Walker of the Class of 1903, to recognize a member of the staff who has given most unselfishly in the performance of his or her duties, thus helping to perpetuate the spirit of Woodberry as exemplified by Mr. Frank Walker in his lifetime.

    Mrs. J. Carter Walker Medal
    Established in 1964 by F. Evans Farwell '25, in honor of the first headmaster's wife, to recognize a sixth former who has shown the most significant academic improvement during his years at Woodberry.

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  • Teaching Endowment Funds

    Mary Reynolds Babcock Teaching Endowment
    Established in 1958 by a grant from the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation.

    Margaret W. and Thornton H. Brooks '29 Teaching Fund
    Established in 1989 by Margaret and Thornton H. Brooks ’29.

    Class of 2009 Faculty Retention Fund
    Established in 2009 by parents and grandparents of the class to support faculty retention.

    Jessie Ball duPont Teaching Endowment
    Established in 1955 by Mrs. Alfred I. duPont and the Jessie Ball duPont Fund.

    Fiveash-May Faculty Endowment Fund
    Established in 1989 by Alice Jane and Joe Fiveash, Jr. ’48.

    General Faculty Fund
    Established in 1959 as a common fund for gifts of all sizes for faculty support.

    Frank H. Kenan '31 and Lawrence Lewis Jr. '37 Teacher Internship Program Established in 2005 by the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust.

    William R. Kenan, Jr. Fund
    Established in 1976 by the William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust.

    Cuthbert P. Lamb Faculty Support Fund
    Established in 2005 by A. Alexander Porter, Jr. ’56, in memory of Cuthbert Lamb, a member of the faculty from 1948 to 1986.

    Parents' Fund for Faculty Support
    Established in 1997 by gifts from Woodberry parents and grandparents.

    Peter D. and Phyllis S. Pruden Faculty Support Fund
    Established in 2007 by Phyllis S. Pruden, mother of Steve Stancill '74.

    Lucie and Coleman Walker '20 Teaching Fund 
    Established in 1958 by Lucie Andrews and C. Coleman Walker ’20.

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  • Program Endowment Funds

    Admissions Office Discretionary Fund
    Established in 1997 by Rufus H. Duncan ’50 and Sharon Stieber Bass.

    Andrew M. Collier '03 International Studies Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2021 by Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Vann '03 in honor of Andrew M. Collier '03 to support international summer abroad student opportunities.

    Art Endowment
    Established in 1990 by Carolyn Frazier Sanders to support visual arts.

    Thomas and Karen Bond Instrumental Music Fund
    Established in 1999 by Tom and Karen Bond, former Woodberry master and his wife, to enhance and strengthen the instrumental music program.

    Boyer-Turner Fund
    Established in 2005 by Dr. Ulysses G. “Jim” Turner ’55, in memory of his mother, grandmother, and twin brother, Julian B. Turner ’55, to support graphic arts.

    W. Lee Carter III and Greg L. Bradley Endowment Fund
    Established in 2016 by W. Lee Carter III '70 and Greg L. Bradley to support all aspects of the Gay/Straight Alliance.

    Rev. Wm. Hill Brown III '55, Chapel Music Fund 
    Established in 2011 by Thomas S. Kenan III ’55, in honor of his roommate and longtime friend, Rev. Wm. Hill Brown III '55, to support an annual organ recital on the Kenan Fisk Organ in St. Andrew’s Chapel.  

    Red and Cathy Caughron Athletic Fund
    Established in 1991 by alumni, parents, and friends to support athletics.

    Christian Family Fund
    Established in 2007 by Bruce and Spas Christian, parents of Harrison ’05, to support the faculty and the cycling program.

    Class of 1954 Library Fund 
    Established in 2004 as a fiftieth-reunion gift to support the William H. White Jr. Library and its information services.

    Class of 1956 Technology Fund
    Established in 2006 by the Class of 1956 as a fiftieth-reunion gift to support information technology.

    Class of 2008 Community Service Fund 
    Established in 2008 by parents of the class to support summer community service projects for students.

    Dr. David Y. Cooper III '43 Science Fund
    Established in 2013 by Dr. David Y. Cooper to support the science program.  

    Copen Family Fund for Public Speaking and Debate
    Established in 1996 by Noel and Berridge Copen and their son, Mark ’91, to support public speaking and debate.

    Copen Family Student Wholeness Fund
    Established in 2020 by Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Copen '91 to support a comprehensive wellness program.

    Edward Dorsey Service Fund
    Established in 1999 by Murphy Evans ’50, in honor of “Big Ed” Dorsey, a thirty-year member of the staff, to support the community service program.

    Leon S. Dure III '48 Gift Fund
    Established in 1997 by Leon S. Dure ’48 to support the faculty or academic programs.

    Endowed Chaplain's Fund
    Established in 2003 by an anonymous donor to support the work of the chaplain.

    Endowed Lectureship
    Established in 1968 by Robert W. Bogue, father of Robert ’62 and Richard ’67, to support the lecture series.

    The Hans B. and Catherine H. Engelmann Fund
    Established by Mark Engelmann ’72 in 2012, in memory of his parents, to support faculty salaries for study abroad programs.

    Fitzpatrick Lecture Series
    Established in 1973 by Francis and William H. Fitzpatrick, parents of Whitfield ’60, Peter ’64, Vaughan ’67, and James ’74, and grandparents of Gustave ’93 and Fletcher ’98 , to support an annual lectureship.

    William Langley Granbery Fund
    Established in 1989 by the William Langley Granbery Trust to support Christian programs.

    The Joe And Marge Grills Fund For The Study Of The American Constitution And Government 
    Established in 2012 by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grills to support the history department and to further the study of the American Constitution and government by the students and the faculty.

    James G. Hanes 1905 Library Fund Established in 1984 by the James G. Hanes Foundation.

    Headmaster's Leadership Fund Established in 1999 by T. Ballard Morton, Jr.’50, to support leadership development programs and related projects.

    Hull Family Fund

    Established in 2007 by J. Mitchell Hull '77, to support the golf program.

    Graham Kenan Endowment for the Arts
    Established in 2015 through a gift from the Thomas S. Kenan III Charitable Remainder Unitrust to support the financial aid program and provide salary assistance for performing arts faculty members.

    Thomas S. Kenan III '55 Guest Artists Fund
    Established in 1998 by Thomas S. Kenan III ’55 and the William R. Kenan Charitable Trust to support guest musicians and other artists.

    The Christopher C. '89 and Robert (Jay) '96 Kleberg Leadership Fund Established in 1996 by Tio and Janell Kleberg ,in honor of their sons, to support leadership development programs and related projects.

    Christopher E. Lee '84 Outdoor Education Fund
    Established in 2019 by Ms. Frances J. Lee-Vandell in memory of her son, Christopher E. Lee '84, to support outdoor education.

    Nancy and J. Curtis Lewis Jr. '44 Christian Mission Fund
    Established in 2003 by Nancy and Curtis Lewis ’44 , former trustee, to support Christian programs and activities.

    MacKenzie International Studies Program
    Established in 1997 through gifts made in honor of Richard and Wendy MacKenzie, founders of the Woodberry-in-Britain Program, and augmented in 2006 by Sally and Russell Robinson ’50, to support international studies.

    Mothers' Fund
    Established in 1998 by John S. Steele ’67, and his sons, Shelton, ’97, Mac ’00, and James ’04, in memory of their mother, Amy Steele, as a common fund for gifts made in honor or in memory of Woodberry mothers to provide discretionary funds for the headmaster’s wife to meet student needs.

    James M. Myers Jr. '72 Library Fund
    Established in 1995 to support the acquisition of books.

    Noland Summer Fellowship Program
    Established in 1997 by gifts from the Noland Memorial Foundation in honor of Lloyd U. Noland, Jr.

    Richard Fuller Patterson '34 Book Fund
    Established in 1974 by bequest of Mattie Handy in memory of her son.

    Henry E. Payne III '53 Science Fund
    Established in 2009 by bequest to support the science department.

    Quantitative Foundation Fund for Computer Science Equipment
    Established in 2013 by the Quantitative Foundation to support faculty compensation.

    Graydon D. Robertson ’16 WFSPN Endowment Fund
    Established in 2023 by Roy W. “Robbie” Robertson, Jr. in honor of Graydon D. “Gray” Robertson ’16 and augmented by the Class of 2023 Senior Parents’ and Grandparents’ Gift to support the operation of Woodberry Forest School’s Production Network.

    Clyde J. Firman Rod and Gun Club Endowment
    Established in 2017 to support the programmatic needs of the Rod and Gun Club.

    The Tiger Friends’ Fund Established in 2020 by Jennifer and Beau Thomas ’05 to afford students the ability to have a complete Woodberry experience, and to help cover the cost of a student’s expenses beyond tuition.

    Simmons Family Fund for Wellness
    Established in 2018 by Elizabeth and Walker Simmons to support a comprehensive wellness program

    G. Joseph Vining '55 Library Fund
    Established in 2010 by Thomas S. Kenan III '55, to support library acquisitions.

    Wafle Family Art Fund
    Established in 1997 by Ben and Kitty Wafle, parents of Nick ’94, to support visual arts.

    Wainer Chapel Fund
    Established in 1994 by David S. Wainer, Jr. ’55, to support the Christian mission.

    J. Carter Walker Fine Arts Center Wood Shop Fund
    Established by John E. Lee ’50, to support the wood shop.

    Watson Fund For Leadership And Life Skills Development 
    Established in 2008 by J. Edward Watson III '67 to support the establishment of a leadership and life skills curriculum. 

    Wheat First International Studies Fund Established in 1997 by Wheat First Butcher Singer Foundation to support summer foreign studies programs.

    White Family Artist-in-Residence Program
    Established in 2010 by Gail and Frayser F. White III, and their sons, Kip '99 and Grant '00, to support visiting writers and visual artists.

    William H. White Jr. 1920 Library Fund
    Established in 1955 by Mr. and Mrs. William H. White, Jr., members of their family, and the Class of 1900.

    Paul R. Wickliffe Jr. '43 Music Fund
    Established in 2008 to support the music program.

    Chris Wilson '90 Golf Fund
    Established by Pat and Tylee Wilson, in honor of their son, to support the golf team.

    Harriett Witt Library Fund
    Established in 1969 as Woodberry's first charitable remainder trust by the mother of Mrs. A. Baker Duncan '45. 

    Woodberry Fine Arts Fund
    Established in 1998 by the Micawber Foundation, in memory of Dean Brown ’54, to support photography and visual arts.

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  • Endowed Faculty Chairs

    James C. Ambler Jr. '57 Chair of English
    Established in 1964 by James C. Ambler, Sr., in honor of his son, James C. Ambler, Jr. ’57.
    Current chair holder: Paul D. Erb.

    Camp Family Chair
    Established in 1983 by thirty-five members of the Camp family who attended Woodberry, and by associated Camp family foundations.
    Current chair holder: Matthew C. Boesen.

    Leonard W. Dick Chair
    Established in 1967 by Nancy and David H. Rankin ’40, the estate of Mary B. Shipley, the Class of 1950, and gifts in memory of Mr. Dick, a member of the faculty from 1924 to 1974.
    Current chair holder: Paul A. Vickers.

    Frances and Baker Duncan 1911 Chair
    Established in 1967 by members of the Duncan family in memory of A. Baker Duncan ’11 and his wife, Frances.
    Current chair holder: Robert J. Kendall.

    Harry and William Frazier Chair
    Established in 1980 by members of the Frazier family and the Class of 1908 in memory of Harry Frazier, Jr., Class of 1906, and his brother, William Frazier, Class of 1908.
    Current chair holder: Frank C. Tallman '95.

    Bowman Gray III '56 Chair
    Established in 1986 by the board of trustees in memory of Bowman Gray III ’56 through gifts from Mrs. Bowman Gray III, Coleman C. Walker ’20, C. Carter Walker ’52, the estate of Gordon Gray ’26, family, and friends.
    Current chair holder: Mark C. O’Donnell

    Independence Foundation Chair
    Established in 1966 as the school’s first endowed faculty chair by a grant from the Independence Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    Current chair holder: Byron C. Hulsey '86.

    Arthur Latham Chair
    Established in 1967 by Gordon Hanes ’33, Eldridge C. Hanes ’63, the James G. Hanes Memorial Fund, and others, in memory of Arthur Latham, a member of the faculty from 1929 to 1967.
    Current chair holder: Marcus A. Hogan.

    Lawrence Lewis Jr. '37 Chair
    Established in 1998 by the Flagler Foundation in memory of Lawrence Lewis ’37, former trustee and recipient of the Distinguished Service Award.
    Current chair holder: Joseph Fischer.

    William Leland Lord Chair of Mathematics
    Established in 1956 by the board of trustees through gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Coleman C. Walker ’20 in memory of Leland Lord, a member of the faculty from 1916 to 1953.
    Current chair holder: W. David McRae.

    Rogers C. B. Morton '33 Chair
    Established in 1978 by the board of trustees through gifts of family and friends in memory of the former United States Representative and Secretary of the Interior.
    Current chair holder: Catherine B. Wharton.

    Fillmore Norfleet Chair
    Established in 2000 by Harry Frazier III ’46 in memory of Fillmore Norfleet, a member of the faculty from 1941 to 1968.
    Current chair holder: Jairo Rivera.

    Henry E. Payne Jr. '30 Chair of Science Established as a mastership in 1978 by Priscilla Payne and Henry E. Payne III ’53 in memory of their husband and father, a trustee from 1963 to 1971.

    Quantitative Foundation Chair for Computer Science
    Established in 2013 by the Quantitative Foundation to support faculty compensation.
    Current chair holder: Matthew R. Keating.

    J. Sargeant Reynolds '54 Chair of Government
    Established in 1971 by Virginia and Richard S. Reynolds, Jr., Richard S. Reynolds III ’52, the Richard S. Reynolds Foundation, and family and friends, in memory of the 1954 Senior Prefect and former Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.
    Current chair holder: Frederick W. Jordan.

    Peter B. '24 and Adeline W. Ruffin Foundation Chair
    Established in 2009 by the Peter B. & Adeline W. Ruffin Foundation.
    Current chair holder: Indira K. Cope.

    Randall B. Terry Jr. '53 Chair
    Established in 2010 by the Randall B. Terry '53 Charitable Foundation in memory of the former trustee and winner of the Distinguished Service Award.
    Current chair holder: Cronin P. Warmack.

    Robert F. Vasquez Chair
    Established in 1986 by Elizabeth G. Lindsay in honor of Robert F. Vasquez, a member of the faculty from 1961 to 1999.
    Current chair holder: Ben C. Hale.

    J. Carter Walker 1894 Chair
    Established in 1980 by Eli W. Tullis ’46 in memory of the school’s first headmaster.
    Current chair holder: John B. Amos.

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  • Endowed Faculty Masterships

    Orin E. Atkins Mastership
    Established in 1981 by Charles A. Atkins ’72 and Randall W. Atkins ’70, in honor of their father, to support instruction in business, economics, and finance.

    Richard F. Barnhardt '66 Mastership
    Established in 2015 by members of the Woodberry class of 1966 in recognition of their fiftieth reunion, in honor of Richard F. Barnhardt '66 and his dedicated service to Woodberry Forest School, and in memory of deceased classmates.
    Current master: Alexander J. Tisch.

    Bernard Mastership 
    Established in 2011 by Ellen and Ed Bernard '73.  
    Current master: Timothy P. Stakem.

    Harry W. "Red" and Cathy Caughron Mastership
    Established in 1998 by Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Company in honor of Edward H. Hardison ’51, former trustee and recipient of the Distinguished Service Award.
    Current master: Abigail C. Mills.

    R. Thurmond Chatham 1915 Mastership
    Established in 1967 by the Chatham Foundation, Richard T. Chatham, Jr. ’44, and Hugh G. Chatham ’38, in memory of their father, a trustee from 1937 to 1942.

    Class of 2010 Mastership
    Established in 2010 by parents and grandparents of the class.
    Current master: Andrew Collier '03.

    Beese and Walter W. Craigie '48 Mastership
    Established in 2007 by Beese and Walter Craigie '48 to support the creation of a mastership.
    Current master: Christopher V. Holmes

    William Stamps Farish Mastership of History
    Established in 1965 by Libbie Rice Farish, in memory of her husband, through gifts from the William Stamps Farish Fund.
    Current master: Gerald J. Wixted

    Fondren Foundation Mastership
    Established in 1996 by the Fondren Foundation, in honor of David M. Underwood, Jr. ’84, through a $250,000 challenge grant met by Woodberry alumni and friends in Texas and elsewhere.
    Current master: Ryan M. Alexander

    William A. Hazel Family Mastership
    Established in 1987 by William A. Hazel, former trustee and father of Bill '74, David ’84, and Danny ’86. 
    Current master: Lisa C. Wright.

    J. Curtis Lewis Jr. '44 Chaplaincy
    Established in 2010 by the family of J. Curtis Lewis, Jr. '44.

    Lipe Family Mastership
    Established in 1995 by Carmie and Joseph A. Lipe '63.
    Current master: Greg C. Jacobs.

    Virginia B. and Joseph M. Mercer 1924 Mastership of Art
    Established in 1981 by the board of trustees in memory of the school’s third headmaster.
    Current master: James D. Erickson.

    Albert C. and Nan Gray Monk Mastership
    Established in 1998 by the bequest of Mrs. Gray Poole Atkins, in honor of her daughter, Nan Gray, and son-in-law, Albert C. Monk III ’57.

    Preyer Mastership for Fine Arts
    Established in 1996 by L. Richardson Preyer, Jr. ’66.
    Current master: Wallace P. Hornady.

    John T. Thompson Jr. '95 Memorial Mastership
    Established in 1996 by Audrey and Nicholas G. Wilson III ’48 and Catherine and J. Timothy Thompson, in memory of their grandson and son to support Latin instruction.
    Current master: Donald R. Brewster.

    Edwin Craig Wall Jr. Family Mastership
    Established in 1996 by Judith and E. Craig Wall, Jr., E. Craig Wall III ’88, and Benjamin R. Wall II ’94, in honor of Richard Glover.
    Current master: Leonard B. Mills

    William H. White Jr. 1900 Mastership
    Established in 1968 by Mrs. William H. White, Jr., and William H. White III ’45.
    Current master: Phoebe B. Warmack.

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  • Endowed Faculty and Staff Enrichment Funds

    Asherman Family Fund in Honor of Joseph G. Coleman '79
    Established in 2018 by Philip and Ellen Asherman in honor of their sons Lucas, Turner, and Ford, and Joe Coleman's extraordinary leadership to support faculty professional development.

    W. Edward Blain Faculty Enrichment Fund
    Established in 2020 by Gordon D. "Todd" Bowman III '90 in honor of W. Edward "Ted" Blain and his incredible commitment to Woodberry Forest School and its students, to support faculty enrichment and professional development opportunities.

    Class of 1955 Faculty Enrichment Fund

    Established in 2005 by the Class of 1955 to support professional development.

    Class of 2018 Fund for Faculty Support
    Established in 2018 as a Senior Parent Gift to support faculty compensation and benefits.

    Walter Williams Craigie Teaching Endowment
    Established in 1983 by Helen and Walter W. Craigie, Sr. ’22, through a charitable lead trust, to support the pursuit of graduate degrees through the Craigie Scholars Program.

    Faculty and Staff Families Support Fund
    Established in 2020 by The Great Woodberry Class of 1965 in memory and honor of Elinor Vasquez and other faculty spouses to support faculty and staff family events and family life.

    Marion Follin III '60 Fund for Faculty Support
    Established in 2015 by Peggy and Marion Follin III '60 to support faculty compensation and benefits.

    Frank A. Daniels Jr. '49 Fund
    Established in 1998 by Frank A. Daniels, Jr. ’49, former CEO and publisher of the Raleigh News & Observer, to support information technology.

    Marion Follin III '60 Fund for Faculty Support
    Established in 2015 by Peggy and Marion Follin III '60 to support faculty compensation and benefits.

    Nathaniel A. Jobe Fund
    Established in 2005 by Chris and Jim Smith, parents of Trace '06 and Cooper '08,  in honor of the longtime history teacher, to support professional development for the history department.

    Lineberger Faculty Development Fund
    Established in 1984 by J. Harold Lineberger ’22, Joseph W. Lineberger ’29, and the Lineberger Foundation, to support professional development.

    Peter D. and Phyllis S. Pruden Faculty Sabbatical Fund
    Established in 2011 by Phyllis S. Pruden to support faculty sabbaticals.

    Ms. Rob Fund
    Established in 2018 by Barbara Bissell Kopczynski, Todd Kopczynski, Joseph Hallow, and Thomas "Rex" Hallow '20 to support staff recruitment and retention.

    Betty Wilson Wright Fund
    Established in 2019 by Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wright to support the recognition of faculty spouses' contributions within the Woodberry Forest School community.

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  • Plant and Maintenance Funds

    Bailey Family Faculty Residence Maintenance Fund
    Established in 2005 by Laura and James J. Bailey III, parents of James ’94, Robert ’02, and Prescott ’04.

    Barr House Maintenance Fund
    Established in 2012 in memory of Elizabeth Manning "Bet" Barr by her husband Charles E. Loizeaux, Jr. '42. 

    Janie and Alexander Boyd '43 Fund for Faculty Homes
    Established in 2012 through a bequest.

    Class of 2005 Faculty Residence Maintenance Fund
    Established in 2005 by parents and grandparents of the class.

    Class of 2007 Faculty Residence Maintenance Fund
    Established in 2007 by parents and grandparents of the class.

    Class of 2009 Faculty Residence Maintenance Fund
    Established in 2009 by parents and grandparents of the class.

    Richard C. Glover ’61 Fitness Center Maintenance Fund
    Established in 1998 by Pat and Walter Dunnington, Jr. ’44, and the Seth Sprague Foundation.

    Granbery House Maintenance Fund
    Established in 2015 through a charitable gift annuity.

    John Marshall ’30 House Maintenance Fund

    Established in 1967 by bequest.

    Murrell Baseball Field Maintenance Fund
    Established in 1997 by Bill and Page Murrell Woltz, to support the Thomas W. Murrell Jr. ’34 Baseball Field.

    Robert C. and Eunice Jerome Rapp House Maintenance Fund
    Established in 2010 by Robert C. Rapp, Jr. '44, in memory of his parents.

    Robertson Lake Endowment
    Established in 2011 by the Robertson family for the maintenance of Robertson Lake.

    Randall B. Terry Jr. ’53 House Maintenance Fund
    Established in 2001 by the Randall B. Terry Charitable Foundation.

    Eli W. Tullis ’46 Maintenance Fund
    Established in 1992 by Eli W. Tullis ’46 to support the L. W. Dick Trophy Room, the Norfleet Archives Room, and the Virginia Snead Garden.

    Harriet Craigie van Houten Fund
    Established in 2013 by a bequest from Harriet Craigie van Houten to improve and maintain the gardens at The Residence.  

    Walker Building Maintenance Fund
    Established in 1998 by Evelyn Maxwell in memory of her husband, Richards D. Maxwell, Jr. ’29, and her son, Richards D. Maxwell III ’59.

    J. Carter Walker Fine Arts Center Maintenance Fund
    Established in 1965 by bequest of Violet and Joseph G. Walker, Class of 1892.

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  • General Endowment Funds

    Anonymous Fund
    Established in 1992 by an anonymous donor.

    C. Fred Chambers '35 Gift Fund
    Established in 1975 by C. Fred Chambers ’35.

    W. Frank Dowd Jr. '45 Fund
    Established in 2005 by W. Frank Dowd, Jr. ’45.

    J. B. Dyer '25 Fund
    Established in 1954 by James B. Dyer ’25.

    W. Frank Evans '36 Fund
    Established in 2004 by W. Frank Evans ’36.

    General Endowment Fund
    Established in 1989 as a common fund for unrestricted endowment gifts.

    Ike B. Grainger '13 Fund
    Established in 1995 by Union Electric and Chemical Banking Corp in honor of Ike B. Grainger ’13.

    Edmund K. Gravely '38 Memorial Fund
    Established in 1983 by Miss Tim Sirimonkol, a friend of Peyton K. Gravely ’69, in memory of his father.

    Gordon Gray '26 Fund
    Established in 1982 by the Honorable Gordon Gray, former secretary of the Army and first chairman of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

    Robert March Hanes 1907 Fund
    Established in 1986 by Frank B. Hanes ’38 and F. Borden Hanes, Jr. ’63, in memory of their father and grandfather.

    John W. Harris '65 Fund
    Established in 1995 by John W. Harris ’65.

    Hayes Holderness Family Fund
    Established in 2007 by Cherie and Hayes Holderness '76, parents of Hayes '02, Henry '04, and Murphy '08.

    Sara and Jack Hollan '66 Fund
    Established in 1997 by Sara and John K. Hollan ’66.

    Hornor Family Fund
    Established in 1998 by bequest of Carroll G. Hornor ’39, son of Aurelius Hornor 1908.

    Coleman A. and Emily S. Hunter Fund
    Established in 1985 by the Coleman A. and Emily Hunter Trust.

    Corbin B. and William S. Judkins '38 Fund
    Established in 2006 by bequest. 

    Peter A. Larkin Jr. '74 Gift Fund
    Established in 1997 by Peter A. Larkin ’74.

    Richard H. Lewis, Jr. '31 Fund
    Established in 1997 by a bequest in honor of  Rawleigh W. D. Taylor, a member of the faculty from 1909 1949.

    Elizabeth and Douglas D. Monroe III '74 Amici Gift Fund
    Established in 2010 by Beth and Doug Monroe to support the Amici Fund.

    George E. N. Montague '41 Family Fund 
    Established in 2006 by bequest of  George Montague ’41, father of Buck ’72 and Bob’74, and grandfather of Eli ’04.

    Peter D. and Phyllis S. Pruden Amici Gift Fund 
    Established in 2007 by Phyllis S. Pruden to support the Amici Fund.

    John E. Ray III '38 Fund
    Established in 2005 by bequest.

    Ann and Browne B. Rice Jr. '41 Family Fund
    Established in 2006 by bequest.

    Walter S. Robertson Jr. '45 Fund
    Established in 2008 by bequest.

    William R. Seaton '45 Amici Gift Fund
    Established in 1999 by William Seaton ’45 in support of the Amici Fund.

    Marsha and Jack Slane '47 Fund for Excellence
    Established in 2007 by Marsha and Jack Slane ’47.

    Tankersley Family Gift Fund
    Established in 1996 by Jack Tankersley ’68.

    Stuart C. Thomas '80 Fund
    Established in 2013 to support the school's general operations.

    T. Henry Wilson Jr. '47 Fund
    Established in 1991 by T. Henry Wilson Jr. '47.

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  • Endowed Scholarship Funds

    Aldredge Family Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2018 by Donna and Christopher Aldredge '90 to support tuition assistance.

    Alumni Cup Challenge Scholarship Fund
    Established in 1999 by proceeds from the annual Alumni  Challenge Cup golf tournament between alumni of WFS and EHS.

    Alumni Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    A common endowment funded by gifts in memory of alumni.

    Janie and Billy Armfield '52 Financial Aid Fund 
    Established in 2002 by Janie and Billy Armfield ’52 in support of supplemental spending for financial aid recipients.

    S. Pope Babcock '92 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1996 by Anne and Bruce M. Babcock ’58, in memory of their son, and by gifts from other family members and friends, to support summer foreign studies programs.

    Bailey Family Fund
    Established in 2000 by Laura and James J. Bailey III, parents of James IV ’94, Robert ’02, and Prescott ’04, to support summer programs and projects.

    Edward L. Baker '53 and John D. Baker III '03 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2008 by Edward L. Baker '53. 

    Baker Family Scholarship
    Established in 2018 by John D. Baker II '66, Edward "Ted" L. Baker II '96, and John D. Baker III '03 to support tuition assistance.

    Harriet and Bill Barnhardt '46 Scholarship Fund  
    Established in 2006 by Harriet and Bill Barnhardt ’46.

    Barnhardt Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1996 by Mabel and John J. Barnhardt, Jr. '38, parents of John III '63 and Richard '66. 

    Robert Barnhill Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2013 by Chrissy and Robert Barnhill '90.

    W. Tyler Beam '95 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2020 by members of the Class of 1995 in memory of their classmates, W. Tyler Beam '95, and in honor of their 25th reunion to support tuition assistance.

    Belk Family Fund 
    Established in 2008 by Kim and John Belk '77 to support special programs and projects.

    Bernard Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2020 by Ellen and Ed Bernard '73 to support tuition assistance.

    Howard and Stephanie Bissell III Scholarship Fund Established in 2022 by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bissell, parents of Ward Bissell ’18, Burns Bissell ’20, and Owen Bissell ’23, to support tuition assistance.

    Betsy Boney Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Established in 1994 by the Hillsdale Fund, Sion A. Boney, Jr., and his sons, Sion III ’74 and Martin ’85, in memory of their mother.

    Borden Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2007 by Edwin B. Borden, Jr. '52, father of Lee '78, Martin '83, and grandfather of Will '11, Edwin '12, and Charles '15.

    E. DeLong Bowman '30 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1979 by E. DeLong Bowman ’30.

    Janie and Alexander Boyd ’43 Fund 
    Established in 2012 through a bequest.  

    F. Cooper Brantley '66 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 1992 by F. Cooper Brantley ’66.

    Bratton Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1999 by the Wake Stone Corporation.

    Robin W. A. Bredin Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1979 by gifts made in memory of the former Woodberry master, a member of the faculty from 1968 to 1979.

    Brothers' Fund 
    Established in 1995 by Sally Kleberg, her sons, Ben Espy ’87 and Thomas Espy ’90, and their great-aunt, Elizabeth Espy Hooks, to provide financial aid to alumni brothers or cousins.

    Sara Shallenberger Brown International Studies Fund 
    Established in 1997 by W. L. Lyons Brown, Jr. Charitable Foundation and Lee Brown, Jr., in honor of his mother to support foreign study.

    Thomas Rush Brown Jr. '43 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2003 by Sarah B. Smallhouse and Mary B. Brown, in memory of their father, through the Thomas R. Brown Family Foundation.

    Dr. Kurt S. Bucholz Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2007 by Laura L. Bucholz and the Gretchen Swanson Family Foundation. 

    Julian T. Buxton Jr. '46 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2004 by friends and classmates.

    William K. Caler Jr. ’63 Scholarship Fund Established in 2018 by William K. Caler, Jr. ’63, to support tuition assistance.

    Camp Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1999 by the Camp-Younts Foundation.

    Dennis and Leesa Campbell Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2014 by William Alden '42, Jr. in honor of the Campbell's extraordinary dedication to Woodberry Forest School.  

    The Carolinas Scholarship Fund
    Initiated in 2018 by Lawrence H. Dempsey III '94, and Benjamin R. Wall II '94, and supported by other alumni to support tuition assistance.

    Caughron Sports Camp Scholarship Fund  
    Established in 2003 by W. Kenan Poole ’83 and E. Ashton Poole ’85 to provide financial assistance for sports campers.

    Caughron Sports Camp Scholarship Fund-Charlotte Area 
    Established in 2009 by the Charlotte Regional Alumni Association to provide financial assistance for sports campers from the greater Charlotte, North Carolina, area.

    Caughron Sports Camp Scholarship Fund-Richmond Area 
    Established in 2006 by Wallace Stettinius ’51 and his daughter and son-in-law, Beth and Douglas D. Monroe III '74, to provide financial assistance for sports campers from the greater Richmond, Virginia area.

    Christian Family Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2022 by Mr. and Mrs. D. Bruce Christian to support tuition assistance.

    Claiborne Family Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2018 by Lisa and Thomas Claiborne '83 to support tuition assistance.

    Class of 1957 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2006 as a fiftieth-reunion gift.

    Class of 1958 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2008 as a fiftieth-reunion gift.

    Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2009 as a fiftieth-reunion gift.

    Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2009 as a fiftieth-reunion gift

    Class of 1964 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2014 as a fiftieth-reunion gift from members of the Class of 1964 in memory of their deceased classmates.

    Class of 1967 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2017 as a fiftieth-reunion gift from members of the Class of 1967 in memory of their deceased classmates.

    Class of 1972 Scholarship Fund Established in 2022 by members of the class of 1972 in honor of their 50th reunion and in memory of deceased classmates to support tuition assistance.

    The Great Class of 1973 Scholarship Fund Established in 2023 by members of the great class of 1973 on the occasion of their 50th reunion, in memory of deceased classmates and in honor of members of the faculty and staff who shaped their Woodberry experience, to support tuition assistance.

    Class of 1991 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2001 as a tenth-reunion gift. 

    Class of 1996 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2015 by members of the Class of 1996 in honor of their 20th reunion and in memory of deceased classmates.

    Class of 2012 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2012 as a Senior Parent Gift.

    Class of 2013 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2013 as a Senior Parent Gift.

    Class of 2014 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2014 as a Senior Parent Gift.

    Class of 2018 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2018 as a Senior Parent Gift.

    Class of 2020 Scholarship Fund Established in 2020 as a Senior Parents’ and Grandparents’ Gift to support tuition assistance.

    Class of 2021 Endowment for Tuition Assistance
    Established in 2021 as a Senior Parent Gift.

    Class of 2022 Endowment for Tuition Assistance in Memory of Jennifer Anne Thornburrow Hulsey Established by the class of 2022 in memory of Jennifer Anne Thornburrow Hulsey to support tuition assistance.

    Clayton Fund Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2008 by the Clayton Fund of Houston, Texas. 

    Coker Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1989 by Charles Coker ’51 and FitzLee Coker ’54.

    Col. Charles W. Cocke '26 and Medora Ford Cocke Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2007 through a bequest.

    Joseph G. Coleman '79 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2019 by Emily and E. Craig Wall III '88 to support tuition assistance. 

    Commonwealth of Virginia Scholarship Fund Established in 2021 by Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stokes ’73 to provide tuition assistance

    Edward W. Cook Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2005 by bequest of Edward W. Cook and by Everett R. Cook II '69.

    William McRae Corrigan '46 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2014 by Sallie Corrigan Amos and husband Robert Thomas Amos III to support tuition assistance.

    Beese and Walter Craigie '48 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2007 by Beese and Walter Craigie ’48. 

    The Frank A. Daniels Jr. '49 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 1998 by Frank A. Daniels, Jr. '49 to support tuition assistance.

    Thomas F. Darden II '73 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1994 by Thomas F. Darden II '73 to support supplemental spending needs of financial aid recipients.

    John C. Daughtridge Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2005 by bequest. 

    Davis Family Scholarship Fund Established in 2021 by Meagan and Jim Davis ’99 to support tuition assistance.

    Rebecca and Dr. D. Gwynn Davis, Jr. Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2014 by Benjamin H. Davis '89 in honor of his parents.  

    R.T. Dooley Family Scholarship Fund Established in 2022 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Dooley III ’79 to support tuition assistance.

    David H. Dickie and Leonard W. Dick Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1991 by F. Alice Bishopric in honor of her husband, Dr. J. Kirk Dickie ’72, and Leonard W. Dick, a member of the faculty from 1924 to 1974.

    Dowd Foundation Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2018 by the Dowd Foundation to support tuition assistance.

    Faith and Charles Duffy '29 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1993 through the Duffy Family Trust.

    Sally and A. Baker Duncan '45 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2001 by James M. Myers, Jr. ’72, in honor of the former headmaster who served from 1962 to 1970.

    Walter G. Dunnington Jr. '44 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2000 by Patricia M. Dunnington and the Seth Sprague Foundation.

    Jessie B. duPont Scholarship Fund  
    Established in 1956 by Mrs. Alfred duPont and the Jessie Ball duPont Fund. 

    Damien R. Dwin '93 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2018 by Damien R. Dwin '93 to support tuition assistance.

    Pam and Frank Edmonds Jr. ’87 Scholarship Fund Established in 2018 by Pam and Frank Edmonds, Jr. ’87, to support tuition assistance.
    Leigh and Rob Edwards Scholarship Fund Established in 2023 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Edwards, Jr., to support tuition assistance.

    Evans Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1969 by E. Hervey Evans and his four sons, Hervey, Jr. ’43, John ’47, McNair ’48, and Murphy ’50. 

    McNair Evans '48 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2000 by classmates, family, and friends.

    Thomas M.  Evins '32 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1992 by Thomas M. Evins, Jr. ’57, in memory of his father.

    James S. Ficklen Jr. '42 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2008 by June Ficklen in memory of her husband.

    Sandy Finch '75 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1998 by Sandy Finch ’75

    Thomas A. Finch '40 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1959 by Thomas A. Finch, Jr. '40, and the Thomas A. Finch Jr. Foundation.

    Herbert '45 and Harvie '49 Fitzgerald Scholarship Fund Established in 1997 by the Community Foundation.

    T. David Fitz-Gibbon Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1998 by the T. David Fitz-Gibbon Charitable Trust.

    Peter B. Fitzpatrick '64 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1995 by family and friends of the 1964 senior prefect.

    Fondren Foundation Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2021 by the Fondren Foundation to support tuition assistance.

    Frazier Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1959 by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frazier, Jr., their son Harry III ’46, and the Class of 1906.

    Harry Frazier Jr. 1906 Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Established in 1971 by the family of Harry Frazier, Jr., of the Class of 1906.

    Paul Funkhouser '41 Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1996 by Paul Funkhouser ’41.

    Blair C. Gammon '44 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2014 by Janie and William J. Armfield IV '52, and Jean and Robert C. Rapp, Jr. '44.

    Luther S. Garrison III '09 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2016 by the Garrison family to support financial aid in memory of Luke Garrison '09.

    Milton C. Gee Jr. '56 Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2007 by Milton C. Gee, Jr. '56.

    Geiger Family Scholarship Fund Established in 2021 by Jacob H. D. Geiger ’05 and Camden P. Geiger ’08 to support tuition assistance.

    General Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1933 as a common scholarship fund.

    Richard C. Glover ’61 Scholarship Fund Established in 2020 by Mr. and Mrs. John S. Curry ’61, Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Mather, Jr. ’61, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Matthew Middelthon ’88 in honor of Richard C. “Dick” Glover and his incredible service to Woodberry Forest School and its students, to support tuition assistance.
    Goetzenberger Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2005 by Gale and Bill Goetzenberger ’79.

    Michael C. Goss '00 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2000 by classmates, family, and friends and augmented with proceeds from an annual golf tournament.

    M. Anthony Gould '60 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1993 by Nancy and Tony Gould ’60.

    William F. Grace Jr. '69 Family Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2019 by Anne and William F. Grace, Jr. '69 and their son William "Liam" F. Grace '98, to support tuition assistance.

    Charles M. and Mary D. Grant Foundation Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1969 by the Charles M. and Mary D. Grant Foundation.

    Bowman Gray '25 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1970 by bequest and by gifts in memory of Bowman A. Gray ’25.

    Horace A. Gray Jr. '28 Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1978 by  bequest of Mrs. Horace A. Gray in memory of her son, Horace A. Gray, Jr. ’28, and his family.

    Charles Green Jr. '59 and Kathryn Green Family Scholarship
    Established in 2016 by Kathryn and Charles Green, Jr. '59 to support tuition assistance.

    Griffin Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1989 by Betty and Clarence A. Griffin, Jr., parents of Clarence III ’60 and Haynes ’65; and grandparents of Jeffrey ’87, Jason ’92, Carter ’98, and Ruffin ’00.

    Haggin Family Scholarship Established in 2020 by Mr. and Mrs. J. Ben A. Haggin ’85 and their son, Mr. J. Ben A. Haggin II ’21, in memory of Mr. Louis L. Haggin ’31, to support tuition assistance.

    William M. Hahn '68 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1997 by Peggy and T. Marshall Hahn, Jr., in memory of their son.

    Ben C. Hale Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2018 by Michela and Kif Hancock '96 to support tuition assistance.

    F. Borden Hanes Jr. ’63 Scholarship Fund Established in 2022 by Mr. F. Borden Hanes, Jr. ’63, to support tuition assistance.

    James G. Hanes 1905 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1981 by the James G. Hanes Memorial Fund in memory of the former trustee who served from 1926 to 1940.

    Hardison Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2017 by E. Hooper Hardison, Jr. '79 to support tuition assistance.

    Eleanor and Hardy Hendren '43 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2008 by Dr. and Mrs. W. Hardy Hendren III '43. 

    C. Felix Harvey III '39 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2011 by Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Burrows, Jr. '78.

    Headmaster's Discretionary Fund
    Established in 2018 by an anonymous donor to provide funding to support supplemental spending needs of students at the Headmasters' discretion.

    W. Hardy Hendren Jr. '16 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1979 by bequest of W. Hardy Hendren, Jr., and by gifts from Eleanor and Hardy Hendren III ’43.

    Holladay Family Fund
    Established in 1998 by Christine P.S. Holladay, Douglas S. Holladay, Jr. '65, and James C.S. Holladay '72 to support the tuition assistance program.

    Henry Thompson Holladay Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1955 by Harriett M. Holladay in memory of her husband, a member of the faculty from 1953 to 1954.

    Paul S. Huber Jr. '40 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2009 by Mrs. Paul S. Huber, Jr., Paul S. Huber III '68, and Pater M. Huber '71. 

    Paul S. Huber III '68 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2018 by members of the Class of 1968 in honor of Paul S. Huber III '68 on the occasion of the class's 50 reunion to support tuition assistance.

    Hudgins Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1994 by Wilda and Bill Hudgins '68 to support the tuition assistance program.

    Byron and Jennifer Hulsey Family Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2018 by Jennifer and Byron Hulsey '86 to support tuition assistance.

    Jennifer Hulsey Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Seeded in 2021 by a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rapp, Jr. '44 in memory of Jennifer Anne Thornborrow Hulsey to support tuition assistance.

    Bynum M. Hunter '43 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2018 by bequest of Bynum M. Hunter '43 to support tuition assistance.

    Robert Fletcher Irwin 1904 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1971 by  bequest of Frances Littlepage Irwin in memory of her husband.

    The Sally and Tyson L. Janney '49 Fund
    Established in 2021 by J. Saville Janney, Tyson D. Janney '82, and Elizabeth Janney Ratcliffe in memory of their parents, Sally and Tyson Janney '49, to support tuiton assistance. 

    Nathaniel "Nat" Jobe Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2021 by Isaac J. Morton '94 and Clay E. Thomson '91 in honor of Nathaniel "Nat" Jobe and his dedicated service to Woodberry Forest School to support tuition assistance.

    Harry Alexis Jones Joyce Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1988 by the Joyce Foundation.

    Class of 1971 Andrew C.M. Keenan Jr. Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2021 by members of the Woodberry Class of 1971 in recognition of their 50th reunion and in honor of Andrew C.M. "Andy" Keenan, Jr. and in memory of deceased classmates to support tuition assistance.

    Frank Hawkins Kenan '31 and Lawrence Lewis Jr. '37 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1998 by the William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust.

    Julius B. Laramore Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1980 by bequest of Julius B. Laramore, a member of the faculty.

    John E. Lee '50 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2000 by John E. Lee ’50.

    Lewis-Patton Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2000 by Janet Patton Lewis in memory of her husband, Lawrence Lewis, Jr. ’37, and her father, James D. Patton, Jr., of the Class of 1911, and in honor of her brother James D. Patton III ’40, his son, James D. Patton IV ’74, and her grandson, Lawrence Lewis Gray ’82.

    William D. Lillard '38 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1998 by bequest.

    Lindsay Family Fund 
    Established in 2012 by Elizabeth G. Lindsay.

    Charles E. Loizeaux Jr. '42 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2012 by a bequest.

    Peter W. Low '55 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2019 by Carol and Peter Low '55 to support tuition assistance and other institutional purposes.

    Cordia Luck Long Scholarship Fund  
    Established in 2012 by Ronald C. Long ’73, Robert E. Long ’75, and Damien R. Dwin ’93.

    Mary Lou Moring and Dail W. Longaker '47 Scholarship Fund 

    Established in 2007 by Mary Lou and Dail Longaker ’47.

    Lummis Family Scholarship 
    Established in 2009 by Claudia and Fred Lummis '71. 

    Edwin Malloy Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Established in 1968 by the Malloy Foundation and W. Manning Malloy ’41 in memory of his father.

    John F. Marshall Jr. '30 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 1996 by bequest.

    S. Blount Mason Jr. 1901 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1969 by bequest.

    Matthews Family Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2014 by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Matthews II in honor of the Belk family to support tuition assistance.

    Warren Lee Matthews Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2008 by the family of Warren Lee Matthews, father of Graham W. Matthews '93. 

    Paul C.P. McIlhenny '62 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2013 by the Gustaf Westfeldt McIlhenny Family Foundation and members of the family.

    Meares Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2010 by the Carl Whitten Meares Foundation, Inc. to support the tuition assistance program.

    Joseph M. Mercer '24 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1962 by John A. Stillwell ’45, in honor of the school’s third headmaster, who served from 1953 to 1962.

    Charles E. Merrill Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1964 by the Charles E. Merrill Trust.

    Miller Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2014 by Robert and Sallie Miller to support the tuition assistance program.

    Minor Family Scholarship Fund Established in 2015 by W. Thomas “Tom” Minor III ’67, William “Will” T. Minor IV ’93, and Samuel “Sam” H. Minor ’10 to support tuition assistance.

    Monk Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1988 by A. C. Monk, Jr., Albert C. Monk III ’57, William C. Monk ’44, and Robert T. Monk, Jr. ’66.

    Robert T. Monk Jr. '66 and Suellen G. Monk Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2005 by Suellen and Robert T. Monk, Jr. ’66.

    William C. Monk '44 Family Fund
    Established in 2016 by William "Bill" C. Monk '44 and and later merged with the William C. Monk Jr. '82 Fund created by William Monk, Jr. '82 to support tuition assistance.

    Mary Ellen and Harry S. Moore '46 Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2009 by Mary Ellen and Harry Moore '46. 

    Thomas Page Morin ’63 Scholarship Fund Established by R. Hunter Morin ’61 and Robert L. Morin honoring Thomas Page Morin ’63.

    Frank Fisher Mountcastle '22 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2007 by Frank Mountcastle, Jr. ’51, and his sister, Ann Blechta, in memory of their father.

    John Moylan Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2019 by Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moylan III '80 to support tuition assistance.

    Thomas Newman VI 1919 and Mary Taylor Robertson Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2006 by the Roy R. Charles Charitable Trust in memory of Thomas Newman VI and Mary Taylor Robertson.

    The Noland Family Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2018 by Lloyd "Bud" Noland III '62, L. Christopher "Chris" Noland '95, and Benjamin "Ben" K. Noland '01 to support tuition assistance.

    Fillmore Norfleet Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1981 by an anonymous alumnus and by Elizabeth C. Norfleet in memory of her husband, a member of the faculty from 1941 to 1968.

    O'Connor Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1997 by Ralph S. O’Connor and his son, George R. O’Connor ’70.

    Frank Q. O'Neill Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1965 by bequest.

    Martin A. Palmer '42 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2010 by bequest. 

    R. Fuller Patterson '34 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1942 by Mrs. Henry Handy in memory of her son, the first alumnus to lose his life in World War II.

    Richard B. Payne '35 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2000 by members of the Payne family and friends.

    Robert M. Payne '53 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1968 by Ralph S. Robinson ’53 and other members of the Class of 1953.

    Perry Family Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2020 by Brandon and Karen Perry, parents of Henry Perry '18, Bennett Perry '22, and Thomas Perry '24, to support tuition assistance.

    Angus E. Peyton '44 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2009 by bequest and by Mrs. Nina Peyton in memory of her husband. 

    Purrington Family Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2016 by Suzy Purrington, Nick Purrington '84, and John Purrington '86 in memory of their father, Alfred Purrington III '51, to support the financial aid program.

    W. Trent Ragland Jr. '38 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2021 by the W. Trent Ragland, Jr. Foundation in memory of W. Trent Ragland, Jr. '38 to support tuition assistance.

    Robert C. and Eunice Jerome Rapp Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1983 by Robert C. Rapp, Jr. ’44, in memory of his parents.

    Reader's Digest Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1978 by the DeWitt Wallace Fund, Inc.

    L. Bagley Reid '55 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1968 by L. Bagley Reid ’55.

    Michael M. Reily '60 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1964 by family and friends in memory of the 1960 senior prefect.

    John C. Reimers Jr. Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2005 by Laura and Blair Woodall, and supplemented by gifts from Lynda and David Underwood and their son, David Underwood ’84, in honor of John Reimers, a member of the faculty since 1972.

    E. Addison Rennolds 1903 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1968 by the Rennolds family of Richmond, Virginia, in memory of E. Addison Rennolds, of the Class of 1903.

    Richard S. Reynolds Sr. Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2020 by the Richard S. Reynolds Foundation to support tuition assistance.

    Robert L. Rogers Scholarship Fund  
    Established in 1966 by the Sarah Graham Kenan Foundation, in honor of Robert L. Rogers, a member of the faculty from 1926 to 1941 and 1946 to 1966.

    Roper Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2006 by Kathy and Robert P. Roper, Jr. ’64, parents of Robert III ’86.

    Marilyn Bell Roper and George Kinsey '41 Memorial Scholarship Fund  
    Established in 1982 by Marilyn K. Roper, in memory of her husband, and by other family members and friends.

    Peter Browne Ruffin '24 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1996 by the Peter B. and Adeline W. Ruffin Foundation.

    Ida Lee Rust Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1953 by S. Murray Rust of the Class of 1897 and his family, in memory of his mother.

    John Angier Satterfield '33 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2008 by F. Claiborne Johnston III '96 in honor of his grandfather.

    G. Randolph Scott '17 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1970 by G. Randolph Scott ’17.

    Theodore G. and Carolyn W. Scott Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2011 by Carolyn and Theodore Scott, Jr. '36 to support tuition assistance.

    A. Colquitt '46 and Leslie M. Shackelford Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2009 by Lilian and D.B. Murray.

    Sisk Family Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2019 by Douglass F. Sisk '74, Jennifer and Geoffrey P. Sisk '77, and Peter L. Sisk '09 to support tuition assistance.

    Simon C. Sitterson IV '03 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2004 by Simon C. Sitterson III ’65, in memory of his son, and by other family members and friends.

    Morton Irvine Smith '83 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1991 by Mrs. Athalie R. Clarke in honor of her grandson.

    R. Cathcart and Nancy A. Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2004, by bequest of R. Cathcart and Nancy Smith, in honor of their grandsons R. Blake Lovelace ’94, Macon B.Lovelace ’97, Robert C. Smith III ’96, and Nathaniel A. Smith ’99.

    Thomas R. Smith Jr. '56 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2021 by the family of Thomas R. "Tom" Smith, Jr. '56 to support tuition assistance.

    Dick Spangler Jr. '50 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2018 by the C.D. Spangler Foundation to support tuition assistance.

    R. Lee Stephens Jr. '75 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2017 by members of the Class of 1975 to honor their classmate, R. "Lee" Stephens, Jr. to support tuition assistance.

    Sterling Family Scholarship Fund 

    Established in 2000 by Sara and Peter Sterling, parents of Philip ’01.

    Perry H. Stone '79 Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1992 by Jerry F. Stone, Jr. ’51, father of Perry H. Stone ’79.

    Harrison W. Straley IV Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2020 by Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fitts '93 in memory of Dr. Harrison W. Straley IV and his dedicated service.

    S. Bobo Tanner III '45 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1995 by the Tanner family and the Class of 1945.

    Evelyn and Rawleigh W.D. Taylor Jr. '38 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1958 by Alvin H. Howard ’35 in memory of Rawleigh Taylor, a member of the faculty from 1909 to 1948, and his wife, alumni secretary from 1931 to 1958.

    Randall B. Terry Jr. '53  Headmaster Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1992 by Mrs. C. H. Lockwood in honor of her son.

    Randall B. Terry Jr. '53 Regional High Point Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1999 by the Randall B. Terry Jr. Charitable Foundation.

    The Great Woodberry Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2015 by members of the Class of 1965 in honor of their 50th reunion.

    The 1973 Fund
    Formerly known as the William G. Tennille III '62 Fund was renamed by W. Grant Tennille IV '87 and Andre C. Tennille '96 to support tuition assistance in honor of the first black students to graduate from Woodberry Forest. 

    Beau A. Thomas '05 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2020 by Jennifer and Beau Thomas '05 to support tuition assistance.

    Thomas Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2006 by Jennifer B. and Owen D. Thomas '79.

    Tilman Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1999 by G. McNeir Tilman '59.

    Gregory D. Tolzmann '00 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2000 by Ann and Leslie B. Disharoon, in memory of their grandson, and by other family members and friends.

    Mabel H. Toms Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2004 by May H. Toms in memory of her mother, and by other members of the Toms family.

    Hamp Townsend Scholarship Fund  
    Established in 2011 by classmates and friends to honor Hamp Townsend '69.

    Deborah and Eli Tullis '46 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1990 by Deborah and Eli W. Tullis '46.

    David M. Underwood Jr. '84 
    Established in 1991 by David M. Underwood and his son, David M. Underwood, Jr. ’84.

    C. Braxton Valentine '15 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1963 by Ida and C. Braxton Valentine ’15 and their sons, Henry L. Valentine II ’45 and E. Massie Valentine ’52.

    Van Dorsten/King Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1997 by Elizabeth and J. William Van Dorsten in honor of their grandsons, Graham Van Dorsten King ’96 and John William Van Dorsten.

    The Class of 1970 Robert Vasquez Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2020 by members of the Class of 1970 in recognition of their 50th reunion and in honor of Robert F. "Bob" Vasquez and his dedicated service and in memory of deceased classmates.

    Verdery Family Scholarship Fund Established in 2022 by Mr. C. Stewart Verdery, Jr. ’85, to support tuition assistance.

    Anne Carter Walker Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1959 by Frank S. Walker of the Class of 1903 in memory of his mother.

    John Scott Walker 1897 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1965 by Marie W. Gregory in memory of her father.

    Marguerite Alden Walker Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1955 by Marie W. Gregory and her son, John W. Gregory ’67, in memory of her mother.

    Captain Robert S. Walker Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1962 by Frank S. Walker of the Class of 1903, in memory of his father.

    H. Ewing Wall Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2008 by the H. Ewing Wall Jr. Foundation. 

    Wall Family Scholarship Fund Established in 2022 by Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Wall II ’94 to support tuition assistance.

    R. Dwight Ware Jr. '42 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1962 by Dr. and Mrs. Dwight Ware and their sons, John Ware ’42 and James G. Ware ’46, in memory of their son and brother.

    Lt. Col. William R. Watkins III '84 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2003 by family, classmates, and friends in memory of Bill Watkins ’84, who was killed in action in Iraq.

    B. Ayers Watson '52 Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1977 by Mrs. Forrest F. Watson and her son, Forrest I. Watson ’44, in memory of his brother, and by the Forrest F. Watson Charitable Trust and other family members.

    Parker Vance Watt'19 Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2019 by the Williams Family Foundation to support tuition assistance.

    West Virginia Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2020 by Lawrence E. Morhous '65 and L. Hunter Morhous '99 to support tuition assistance.

    C.E. "Pete" Williams Jr. '53 Family Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2012 through a bequest from the estate of Pete Williams, Jr. '53.

    Roger W. Wilson Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1989 by Roger W. Wilson, Jr. ’75, in memory of his father.

    Dewitt Stewart Worrell Scholarship Fund
    Established in 2022 by W. Ware Smith II '99 in memory of Mr. Dewitt Stewart Worrell to support tuition assistance.

    Trula and John Wright '57 Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 2006 to support summer study abroad.

    Thomas H. and Eleanor G. Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1968 by Thomas H. Wright, Jr. ’37, in memory of his parents.

    Flora M. Zinn Scholarship Fund 
    Established in 1988 by bequest.

List of 1 items.

  • New Funds

    Class of 2024 Scholarship Fund

    Tomoko and Cameron Gillespie ’67 Scholarship Fund

    Steve ’74 and Tanita Stancill Woodberry Summer Abroad Programs

    Student Aid Fund

    Emmett Wright Leadership Fund
Woodberry Forest admits students of any race, color, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, and national or ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic or other school-administered programs. The school is authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant students.